Donor Advised Fund Tax Deductible Giving Webmaster / Monday, February 11, 2019 0 3834 IFRM is proud to be the first Fellowship to utilize the RI Donor Advised Fund. By investing in this Fund, IFRM is able to both facilitate tax-deductible giving to our Fellowship as well as to use the Fund as a vehicle for funding domestic projects. Read more
IFRM, Inc. aka IFRM Foundation Webmaster / Friday, January 11, 2019 0 3708 The original IFRM Trust Fund was founded in 1977 with seed money provided by founder Jim Whited and supplemented through the sale of sing-along tapes and individual donations. Read more
The History of IFRM Established 1972 Webmaster / Tuesday, January 1, 2019 0 4226 The International Fellowship of Rotarian Musicians (IFRM) began in 1972 to "promote and encourage the use and appreciation of music in Rotary Clubs by Rotarians in our society and, thereby, to encourage world understanding." Read more