International Fellowship of Rotarian Musicians
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sign In

IFRM members may log in to the organization portal from this page.


Sign In Here


Sign In Instructions

First Time Log-In (for Returning Members)

The first time returning members sign in to the new IFRM Members-Only portal, they must change their password.
Use the form on the left and follow these instructions:

  1. Type the email address you used (and IFRM is using to communicate with you) into the User Name field.
  2. Type the password sent in out in the MusicNotes into the Password field. Click SIGN IN button.
  3. The system will immediately present a Password Reset panel like this:
  4. Your new personal password must be 7or more characters (any combination of letters / numbers). Type it in new password field (both of them) and click the CHANGE PASSWORD button.

For a more detailed instruction, click to see this document: "Change_Your_IFRM_Password.pdf"

Discover Your User Name or Password

If you are a previous or current IFRM member and you have lost track of your Login User Name (typically your email address) or Password, contact:
Rod Fivelstad:

Have Trouble Signing In

If you are having difficulty signing in to the IFRM website:
  • Previous User Name or Password Not Working
  • You Are a Member from Some Time Ago
    • Your membership may be 'inactive' so please contact Barry:
  • The Website is Displaying an Error or Not Working as Expected
    • Let the IFRM Webmaster David know:
    • OR you can send a message from the website HERE...
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